How can I overcome trauma?
The emotional memories connected to traumatic experiences have the potential to infiltrate every aspect of our lives and at times can be quite debilitating. Traumatic experiences may have been caused by physical or mental abuse, loss of a loved one, breakdown of relationships, serious injury or war. People suffering from traumatic experiences may withdraw from others, making them feel very isolated and lonely. They may suffer from mood swings and irritability, anger, or feelings of hopelessness. They may have unwelcomed intrusive memories. The constant state of stress that they may experience puts pressure on their immune system which may lead to significant health issues. You may be in denial or even experience some degree of guilt over the incident. Trauma isn’t something you have to live with though.
There’s a chance you’ve been living with the affects for a while now. You thought that with time it would slowly fade away and you’d be able to move on, but the weight is feeling heavier and heavier. Most days you think “I’ve got this”, but other days you realise you’ve been in denial and cracks are starting to show more often. How do you know whether you’re ready to deal with your trauma once and for all so that the weight can be lifted, enabling you to live a full enjoyable life?
Facing your trauma isn’t an easy thing to do, it’s a big deal, so make sure that before you seek help that you’re ready to. Make sure you have a clear idea of what life will look like for you after the process and all the reasons why you need to do this, for yourself and for your loved ones. This will keep you focussed and motivated to move through it.
Once you’ve decided to take the step to let go of your traumatic experience and the overwhelming emotions that go with it, there are a few options available to you.
Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
Clinical trials have shown that EFT tapping is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. It uses elements of Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy, and combines them with Acupressure, in the form of fingertip tapping on 12 acupuncture points. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. Tapping can actually be a self-help method, although there are many EFT Practitioners whose expertise may be more effective.
Hypnotherapy assists in the treatment of trauma by using trance and visualisation to disassociate the emotional response from the memory of the traumatic invent, create a new meaning for the event and install positive emotional resources.
Neuro Linguistic Programming
The NLP “Phobia, Trauma and PTSD Treatment” technique, has been very successfully used to help people recover from overwhelming events and the associated anxiety. The process involves replaying the visual memory of a painful incident but in entirely different ways than a person usually does. This method disrupts the painful pattern in which an experience is remembered and enables the person’s mind to recode the event in a way that does not bother them. Faster and more effective than older forms of traditional talk therapy, this process is extremely beneficial for people who have a good ability to visualize.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT educates sufferers about the symptoms and the influence of thoughts and fears. It teaches patients how to manage their anxiety through breathing and anxiety. It helps them to reframe what happened in order to give it a new meaning and then gradually exposes the client to the traumatic memories.
Outside of these therapies, it’s important to be kind and patient with yourself, do things that give you pleasure, ask for support if you need it, look after yourself through good diet, exercise and sleep and maintain your regular routine as much as you can.
Things to give thought to this week:
· Are either you or any of your loved ones battling with untreated trauma?
· Is it time to get help? If you’re not sure, ask yourself these questions
o What would happen if I did take action to overcome my trauma?
o What would happen if I didn’t take action to overcome my trauma?
o What wouldn’t happen if I did take action to overcome my trauma?
o What wouldn’t happen if I didn’t take action to overcome my trauma?
· Do you need to be kinder to yourself and more patient?
· Commit to doing something every day that gives you pleasure
· If you’re ready for professional help, do some research to find a therapy and therapist who you feel comfortable with.