“Kindness is an underrated value in (our) culture. People tend to value intelligence, charisma, coolness, talent, inspiration, beauty and other bright sparkly attributes that can radiate out of even the most narcissistic individuals.” Lissa Rankin, The Daily Flame.
Kindness, on the other hand is plain, it’s simple, it’s quiet. It doesn’t draw attention to itself. This perhaps is the power of it.
Kindness isn’t about responding to a need in another, or fulfilling a requirement, that’s more helpfulness. Kindness is about modestly doing something ‘nice’ for someone. Something that wasn’t necessary, or expected. It’s a simple expression of human love that connects us with another.
The purpose of kindness is to share a feeling of warmth and care for another, to make the other feel valued, important, seen. It makes them feel like they’re not alone.
True kindness has no ulterior motive, it’s purpose is not to please, impress or avoid conflict. It certainly isn’t born from obligation. And although quiet, true kindness isn’t shy. Kindness is respectful.
So, how can we spread more kindness through the world? Here’s a few ideas:
1. Begin by being kind to yourself
2. Use kind language when speaking to others
3. Give people the benefit of the doubt
4. Treat people with respect
5. Give people compliments
6. See the best in people, even if it’s sometimes a little hidden
7. Smile at people
8. Fill yourself with feelings of kindness and spread that feeling using your intension
Which ones are you going to try?
Here’s a few things to think about.
- How does it feel for you internally when someone is kind to you?
- How does it feel for you internally when you are kind to someone?
- Who do you know (well or otherwise) that could benefit from some kindness?
- What things can you do for others to express kindness?
- What can you do for yourself to be kind to you?
If you’re wanting guidance in negotiating these questions, go to the BOOK NOW page of my website and book yourself a session. I’m always here, happy to assist and support.